Dr. Miriam Franco, Psy.D. is a psychologist in private practice in Wayne, PA. She specializes in treating anxiety and depressive disorders, auto immune disorders, women’s health issues and psycho- physiologic pain disorders (TMS).
Dr. Franco is trained in relational psychoanalysis and psycho dynamic therapy. As a result, she incorporates an awareness of the interconnection of the body and emotion and of early developmental and present life experiences Into the treatment process.
Dr.Franco is also a recognized Relaxation and Guided Imagery Specialist who incorporates this modality within her practice and provides workshops, webinars and consultations to the public and professional presentations and training for health practitioners.
Her new program, Holistic Health and Wellness Forum for MS, was initiated in 2019. Last year, the virtual event was widely acclaimed with a team of nationally recognized holistic and clinical specialists. Mindy presents nationally for several MS, corporate and yoga organizations and offers several adaptive yoga teacher trainings per year. Since COVID, she lives with her family and daisy dogs in Franklin, Michigan. She offers daily adaptive yoga and meditation classes online.