Emily is a Registered Dietitian with the University of Vermont Medical Center and works in several capacities, including UVMMC Adult Primary Care and Family Medicine, Comprehensive Pain Program, and Culinary Medicine. Emily has been with the hospital over 5 years and is a certified dietitian through the state of Vermont. In her role as a clinical dietitian Emily works with people individually and in group settings both in clinics and out in the community. And she has a passion for connecting with individuals to encourage health and wellbeing through integrative and experiential nutrition and lifestyle education. Of specific interest Emily is most passionate about relationship with food and eating, metabolism, chronic disease management (T2DM, HLD, HTN), auto-immune disorders, food allergies and sensitivities, IBS and IBD, and chronic pain and inflammation. Her education will be forever ongoing, though formal training is that of complementary and functional nutrition. Emily is currently enrolled in the Integrative and Functional Nutrition Academy and working toward the advanced credential of a certified practitioner. Emily aspires to evolve her career as a Registered Dietitian among multidisciplinary medical and public health teams and will be devoted to influencing her community as a role model and mentor, and collaborator in the growth of integrative medicine.